Sunday, August 10, 2008

We Can't Leave Iraq, Not Yet.

The age old saying "history always repeats itself" is one of the most useful sayings of all times, especially when it comes to decision making. It seems that ever since the first soldier was sent to Iraq (in 2001) Democrats have wanted us to get out of the war. However, it is imperative that we stay in Iraq until the job is completely finished. In order to enforce this point, lets go back to the year 1917, shall we?

The Lusitania, an non-military vessel, was sunk by German U-boats off America's eastern coast. As a result 1195 people died, among those 128 were American. So, in response to this act of merciless brutality, America becomes invested in the Great War (wouldn't be called WWI till after WWII). Throughout the war America and its allies push back the evil forces of Germany and the Ottoman Empire. So, they won the war, but not before accumulating about 320,518 casualties (that's America only). As a result of the war, Germany had been reduced to little more than piles of rocks and rubble. So America had a big decision to make: help Germany stabilize and create a new democracy, or leave Germany in its own misery because they had started the war. Sadly, we chose the latter.

Now, lets move ahead a couple decades, into the 30s. Europe had been going through a depression similar to that of America's for a while now. Needless to say, Germany had a very hard time rebuilding itself and was getting so dark and desperate that it would probably follow anyone that seemed to point the way to light. This anyone just happened to be the one and only Adolf Hitler. Long story short, Hitler helps the people of Germany rebuild while at the same time brainwashing and using them to fulfill his sick and twisted goals. He started WWII and by the time Germany and the Axis Powers were finally defeated America could calculate a grand total of 1,077,245 casualties. That is more than 3 times as many casualties as WWI!!!! And that all might have been avoided if America had just stayed in Germany just a bit longer. If America had helped stabilize Germany just a bit more.

Lesson Learned:
In times of depression and great need, humans will latch on to what ever promises a brighter future. In this case, Adolf Hitler gained the support of his country by making promises of a brighter future. Adolf Hitler helped rebuild Germany. Hitler helped Germany reach a strength stronger than that of pre-WWI Germany.

Who is to say that if we leave Iraq now, if we leave Iraq in such a vulnerable state that history will not repeat itself? As of January 25, 2008 and since 2001, America has sustained 72,000 casualties in the war on terror. But if a Hitler-like situation arises and history's math repeats itself making us get involved with another war, we are looking at about another 216,000 casualties. Obviously that is no where near the total that WWII reached. However, I believe that it is more than any American wants to lose.

We must stay in Iraq until the job is finished!!! Do not turn a blind eye to history.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What job is that? No weapons of mass destruction were found, Hussein is no longer breathing Bin Laden is either dead or dying in a cave, and yet we still arent safe?

Sounds like we are in a better state than we were 7 years ago...

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