Thursday, August 28, 2008

Why Barack Shouldn't Be President...

Barack Obama: he's smart, he's handsome, he's a good orator, and not to mention (because we have been told that the race card should not be played during this election. However, it is quite odd that Obama always seems to use race in his favor) he is black, and, if elected, will make history. For those reasons we should vote for him, right? WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!

There is far too much information, known and unknown, to the public to entrust this man with the future of this great nation. Below are just a few reasons Barack does note need to be in the Oval Office.

1) There is too much of a lack of patriotism in the Obama Crew. I am not saying the family hates America. However, they have given us more than enough reasons to question their devotion to this country. Let us not forget Michelle Obama's infamous quote: "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country." That's gonna haunt them!!!

2) THE MAN CANNOT MAKE UP HIS MIND!!! I wish people would quit calling Barack a flip-flopper. "Both Ways Barack" suits him much better. First, The Surge is Not Working!!! was Barack's battlecry. But wait, what was that... Obama now not only agrees that the surge was successful but also has abandoned his plan for immediate withdrawal.

Speaking of mind-changing, Barack is a cheater no matter how you look at it. Earlier in this election, Obama created a pact with McCain to only accept public financing. In laymen's terms, Barack and McCain would only accept funds from all there voters and would both ultimately end up with a little less revenue. Never ceasing to amaze though, Barack cunningly decides midway through the election to switch to private funding. So now, instead of being funded by the voters of America, Obama sucks in unlimited amounts of cash from Special Interest low-lifes. Here's a little something for you to chew on, here are funding figures for both of the candidates: "raised $265 million and has $46 million on hand; McCain has raised $96 million and has $26 million on hand". Surprised? I'm not, that's just Obama for ya. McCain, I know you are suffering for your honesty, but thank you very much.

3) To touch back on patriotism, Obama has committed too many acts of obvious ignorance. The founding fathers of the United States credited God for their successes in creating what would become the most successful and free country in the world. All Americans should accept that, regardless of their religion. Obama, who became a United States Senator, decided not to respect our Founding Fathers and swore his oath on the Koran. This should outrage all who call America home!!! Barack Obama blatently spat on the shoes of all those who even gave him the freedom to hold office in the first place!!! There is nothing wrong with believing in the Koran instead of the Bible. However, Barack should have sworn in on the Bible out of mere respect to his country and those who voted for him.

The same goes for his stance on the Pledge of Allegiance. The truth is that Obama only recites this Pledge when he feels fit (just like so many other things). In defense, his spoksman (Bill Burton) stated that as far as reciting the Pledge goes, "sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't." I believe this hurts Obama much more than it helps him. By sacrificing their lives, millions of people have given Americans many freedoms. And I believe Americans should recite the Pledge out of respect. However, there is nothing anyone can do if one neglects such respect. Once again I must say however. When a person wishes to take such a prestiguos postion and President of the United States, he should not only respect those that gave him as many rights and america offers, but also he should respect those who he wishes to represent in office.

There are MANY more reasons why Barack Obama should not be our President. However, to name them all would take an eternity. Obviously, neither of the candidates is perfect, but I cannot bring myself to support anyone who has such open disrespect and an alarming lack of patriotism for the country he wishes to lead.

***Wanna add to this list or argue my statements? Simply leave a comment!!! I want to hear from you!


Anonymous said...

Did you really just fault Barack Obama for making more money than John McCain?

Kyle, I love that you have an opinion and that you are strong against the opposition, but you are making harsh comments with no actual fact back up. Sounds to me like Obama would be the perfect fit, the man can make some bank in a struggling economy, while John McCain isnt pulling in half as much.

In all honesty find all the flaws you want, but to say he raised more money than John McCain is a reason not to vote for him is outlandish. I think you could say you are searching for problems and coming up short, thus throwing anything out there...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Nick. I think Kyle is simply pulling shit out of the air to use against Obama. And you might want to get your facts straight about how he was sworn in. In an attempt to smear Barack Obama it has been reported that he swore in on a Koran. This has been part of a larger attempt to demonize Obama among those who fear Muslims. The story is a complete fabrication. Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison is the congressman who swore in on the Koran. Barack Obama is a Christian, and he took the Oath of Office on a Bible...whether you narrow minded conservatives believe so or not. But even if he wasn't, I am personally offended you think that just "out of respect" any ellected official should be sworn in on the Bible regardless of their religious preferences. It just goes to show how completely intolerant you and your fellow Republicans are of other faiths.

And just because Obama was not a POW like the almighty patriot McCcain does not make him ANY less of a patriot than you or me. And as far as the pledge of allegiance, I could care less if he says it or not. After eight years of the Bush Administration, I sometimes don't want to say it either! Does that make me "un-American?" I think not. It is simply a form of protest for the current downfall of the American dream.

I could honestly go on forever, but I don't think anything I say will change your little conservative opinion about the world. But I will end with this, America is and always has been the greatest nation on Earth; however, recently it has been lead in the wrong direction. We need change...we need Obama!

Anonymous said...

Nick!!! glad to see ya... I think that I should clarify on a couple things so that you do not misunderstand my position.

I do not think that Obama should be punished/ridiculed for making more money than McCain. I think the way he got more money is wrong.

He publicly agreed that he would only accept public funding as long as his opponent, John McCain, did also. That way they would be supported by the 'real' voting people (as I said).

Here is where I develop my position against Barack in the matter. Barack Obama, after making said agreement with McCain, went behind his back and began taking private funding. He lied to McCain and he lied to America.

Again, I'm not angry because Obama made more money. I'm angry because he lied to everyone and pretty much stabbed McCain in the back to get the money.

P.S. thanks for commenting!!!

Anonymous said...

And to you Alan,

I have no problem with people celebrating their own religious beliefs. However, there are certain traditions that must be upheld. That is just my opinion.

And about the patriotism... I believe that anyone who does not say the Pledge or cover their heart during the Anthem shows a level of disrespect to the severest degree. To opt on the side of such disrespect means every man and woman that has died defending this country since the Revolution has done so in vain. In my mind that goes for everyone, not just Obama. The reason I call out Obama is because he is running for the most patriotic and prestigious office in America.

P.S. Please no more first names : )

Anonymous said...

Welcome to politics Kyle. A ploticians first job is to get elected. His second job? To get reelected. Not make friends and play nice with his opponent. John McCain should just sell one of his houses to raise some more money, its not like he knows how many he has anyways.

And to you saying because someone doesnt pledge or put their hand over their heart means every soldier has fought and died in vain is ridiculous. I do not say the pledge. I havent in 2-3 years. Do I feel bad about it? No. But I stand and put my hand over my heart. Why should I "Pledge my allegiance" to a flag? I support the troops, I will vote in this election, I try and stay informed on important matters. So I am less of a citizen because I dont pledge? I will never go against this country in any way. I live here. I want to live here. I am thankful everyday for the people that make it possible for me to be safe. Not just soldiers, but doctors, firefighters, police officers, every single person. Why must I pledge my alligiance, Im not going to go against this country...

Anonymous said...

I am stunned beyond belief.

You did not just say that by not saying the pledge means every man and woman that has died defending our country has done so in vain! Let me tell you uncle does not say the pledge. He tells me that he cannot, in good conscience, affirm its words beyond the vague or vacuous meanings that defeat the purpose of affirming it. Whenever we go somewhere where we are expected to say the pledge, he just stands silently. Now those who know him know that he is a combat veteran, so it's not that he is just being petty. Rather, he can't say the pledge in light of his service. He has trouble seeing how Christianity in America can defend such a stance towards such oaths without becoming 'American Christianity' or losing a biblical view of oaths in general. How dare you say that the brave men and women my uncle served with died in vain because he doesn’t stand up and say the pledge! How dare you!

You are a sour American that believes you must follow rituals in order to be patriotic. Standing to say the pledge means nothing. Do you honestly think that half of the kids that stand up and say the pledge in all the public schools across the country know or understand what it means? No way! They are too busy wondering what brand of clothing Suzie is wearing or what tests they have that day. They say it for one reason and one reason only...because if they didn't say it they would be ostracized. “Oh look at little Jimmy...he doesn’t say the pledge...he must be un-American!” That’s what they would say! That is the wonderful, tolerant, Christian America that we live in!

The flag stands for the American Dream. It stands for all the good things this country was founded on...but recently those things have been lost. How can you blame someone for not wanting to pledge their allegiance to the current American train wreck!? The America we live in now is in a recession. The America we live in now is in a senseless war. The America we live in now panders to the oil companies and give tax breaks to the rich. The America we live in now is more corrupt than ever. Frankly I applaud those brave soles that do not follow the status quo and pledge to something that is fallen and broken!

Anonymous said...

HA! so true. McCain 4 life! :)

Anonymous said...

McCain for life? I hope you mean your life and not his, it wont last too much longer.

Obama is the young fresh voice the country could use...

Anonymous said...


I guess you are right about politics. Too often politics becomes a dirty game in which many people try to avoid. However, Obama's blatant actions just prove how easy it is for Barack to say one thing and do another.

That is why I do not support him. he is too unpredictable and I cannot tell if what he says is truth or a mere ploy to get elected. Who is to say the next person he stabs in the back won't be the very same people who wish to elect him to office?


I could be wrong but I think that we have one view in common. I think that the flag that we want to pledge allegiance to is the one that lived in the 1940s... Where everyone devoted time and energy to the war effort. The America where everyone is a neighbor and a friend, despite economic classes. The America that was so full of patriotism that one could swear their blood was red, white and blue.

And I agree that America is nowhere near what it used to be. And I believe the pledge holds no value to he who does not understand the true meaning of it. I want kids to want to say the pledge, know what it means, and to be grateful to live in America.

They should know what makes America great. Barack Obama obviously thinks America needs changing and therefore, only because he lives in America, he can run for president and right any wrongs he sees.

However, I believe he should hope to make such change out of love for his country rather than disdain. So how are kids today supposed to generate that patriotism and that want to learn what the Pledge truly means if they see the man that is supposed to lead this great country openly refuse.

I see the point you are trying to make and I am sure you see mine. I also see that nobody will change anybody's mind (but that is what makes America so awesome!!). That is why I believe this is my last reply to this post.

P.S. Alan and Nick, LOVE your comments

Anonymous said...

This is a lovely little chat that I am so happy that I stumbled upon during my internet travels. The only thing that seems to be missing is a woman's perspective, which I would be more than happy to provide.
I whole heartedly agree with Mr. Alan Shore (any connection to Boston Legal?), but it does appear that you gentlemen are focusing on petty issues, but I will still provide imput...
1. Don't be angry with Barrack Obama because he decided to use the money that he earned properly and not from special interest groups or lobbyists.
2. McCain is NOT suffering because he doesn't have as much money raised as Barrack Obama; he seems to have enough to come up with ridiculous ads that are full of complete and utter lies.
3. As for the Koran point, first of all as Mr. Shore has already stated, Barrack Obama is NOT a Muslim. Also if you have any person swear in on the Bible just because it is "American", it really has no effect on that person. I am a Buddhist and when I am sworn in as the President of the United States, the Bible really will have no bearing on me and my ethics because I don't believe in them.
3. You seem to believe that McCain is the "golden boy" in this election, however he is more of the same that we've experienced for eight very long years. I don't know about you gentlemen, but I surely don't want to spend 50 more years in Iraq. I agree with Barrack Obama: EIGHT IS ENOUGH!!

Now onto more important issues that I feel you gentle man should be discussing instead of petty little issues that don't have any bearing in America as soon as the election in over:

1. The enviroment: McCain is a proponent of offshore drilling. Not only will this disrupt our ocean life, it will also take away the value of beach front property. I mean who really wants an oil-rig in front of your Malibu home? I surely don't!
2. The war in Iraq: We have no business there and we should be fighting Osama Bin Laden in areas where, I don't know, he ACTUALLY is! It makes perfect sense to me, but then again, I'm not a Republican.
3. The economy: $4.00/gallon gas. Rising food prices. Job loss. Recession. Decrease in the value of the dollar. It's never ending. What more do I have to say?
4. Gay rights: They are people too and they should be allowed marry and have the same rights as other American citizens. It says in the Constitution "Pursuit of happieness" as one of the three unalienable rights granted to all Americans. If it will make them happy, allow it...that's what the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land states, so enforce it.

Well that will do for now. McCain may be a decorated war hero and should be praised for that, but in no way, for the good of America, should he be the next President of the United States.

Peace & Love
Kelsey <3

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