Friday, August 29, 2008

The Perfect Pick for VP

As many may know, Senator McCain (and hopefully President to-be) has chosen Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate - a perfect choice in my opinion!!!

I don't think McCain could have chosen a more conservative person. Not only does she share the beliefs of the average conservative, but she also is able to relate to almost all Americans.

A huge issue during this year's Presidential Race has been elitism. America does not feel comfortable voting for rich people that cannot relate to the average American family.

With the number of children per household (as of Jan. 1, 2008) averaging about 2.2, many Americans feel right at home with Sarah Palin, a regular hockey mom and a mother of 5, one of which joined the Army on September 11, of 2007.

Sarah Palin also partakes in many traditional American pastimes. Sarah regularly hunts and fishes with her children. She is also a lifetime member of the NRA (which republicans should love).

As far as political views go, Sarah is pretty much conservative in everything she does. She is Pro-life, which will hit home with Republicans and Democrats alike.
Since taking office, Sarah Palin has been all for drilling in ANWR (check out earlier post for more info on ANWR).
Although Sarah has gay friends, she has been outwardly against gay marraige.

Sarah has also shown compassion for the American working man. On June 6, 2007, Matanuska Maid Dairy, a state-owned and at the time unprofitable dairy business, was in danger of being closed by the Alaska Creamery Board. However, Palin refused to close the business due to the massive impact it would have on farmers.

There are many who dispute Senator McCain's choice of Sarah Palin for a running mate. They say she is too inexperienced. What many Democrats don't realize is that the McCain/Palin duo will be able to bring do something to the White House that the Obama/Biden party will not. Barack and Biden will never be able to connect with America the way John and Sarah will. They are just too rich and ignorant to what goes on in the social classes below them.

It is true that both Obama and Palin have been labeled as too inexperienced. However, all the Obama supporters are forgetting something - Sarah Palin isn't running for President.

What does it say when a running mate can bring more to the table the he who is actually running for President (Obama and Biden)???

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Some Serious Food for the Politically Famished

If this entry does not scare you or atleast make you second guess everything that you have heard come from Obama's mouth then you do not deserve to vote.

If you read the post just prior to this one, then you already know that one of the reasons that I cannot support Barack Obama is that too little is known about him. Well, a bit more of his past has come to my attention, and it doesn't bode well for Obama at all.

My information is coming from the NRO:

First let me introduce the two main characters that will be featured in this post. Firstly, we have Barack Obama, whom we all know (well, not as much as you would think). And, secondly to Obama's dismay, we have William Ayers. Ayers, a devout American indeed, is responsible for many bombings of governmental buildings including the Pentagon, U.S. Capitol, and a number of police stations throughout America. He did all this under the Weathermen terrorist organization. So yes, put 2 and 2 together and you have yourself a terrorist.

In fact, Ayers told the New York Times that "he regretted only failing to carry out more attacks — and that America still 'makes me want to puke'."

Anyway, recently released government documents have linked Obama into a close friendship with this man. It is a good thing that to Obama, Ayers is merely "a guy who lives in my neighborhood" (I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to live in the same state with this terrorist, let alone the same "neighborhood"). So, obviously the two were never close and therefore Barack has nothing to worry about, right? wrong again.

Two points can be made about Obama in this article:

1) To deny a relationship beyond that of a mere aquaintance, would be a complete lie on Obama's part. William Ayers served as professor at the University of Illinois and continually encouraged all of his students to question all that is America. Then, Michelle Obama (then a dean at the U of I) actually invited this known terrorist to serve on a panel with her and her husband BARACK OBAMA!!! What was there goal? To "block proposed legislation that would throw more juvenile offenders into the adult system.”

Not only did he serve on this panel with the terrorist, but later he would serve on the Board of the Woods Fund
(served first in 1997) for several years. Again, to serve on a board with someone for several years and still say that he did not really know Ayers is a lie. What did this board do?

The Woods Fund raises money for charitable reasons. Awww... so innocent, but where does the money go? The money they raised went to the Trinity Church, the same church in which "Jeremiah Wright preached a radical, anti-American brand of Black Liberation Theology" (If you remember right Obama also tried to claim that he was not associated with Wright either. That's funny since he never had a problem donating to his church.)

Also, they would donate to the Arab American Action Network ("co-founded by Rashid Khalidi, a Yasser Arafat apologist who has supported attacks against Israel and now directs Columbia University’s notorious Middle East Institute, founded by Edward Said").

2) If Barack did not have such a close relationship with this ugly, sick person, then why does he go to such trouble to hide everything. In rebuttal to these accusations, Obama has headed a three-headed retaliation. First, he created an ad which really did not really do anything for him. Secondly, Barack threatened television stations that should they run an ad professing the above, he would hurt them and their advertisers financially (kind of a strong threat for a guy who has nothing to hide, don't ya think?). And lastly, Barack threatened to call for the Justice Department to muzzle political speech through the prospect of a criminal investigation. In my opinion, this is just a sneak peak of what life will be like under the Barack Administration.

In conclusion, Barack is way too sketchy to deserve any sort of trust from Americans. Barack not only associates himself with terrorists and the like, but then lies about it. Kind of reminds me of another sketchy, lying president (Bill Clinton ring any bells?). The sad fact is, just about every single word ejecting from Barack's mouth seems to be little more than lies.

If you agree with what I have said, please comment and for the love of America, please pass on this truth to Republicans and Democrats alike. Although Obama seems to have dug himself into a hole (a very deep one at that), if you wish to try to defend Obama fell free to do so.

NRO link:

Why Barack Shouldn't Be President...

Barack Obama: he's smart, he's handsome, he's a good orator, and not to mention (because we have been told that the race card should not be played during this election. However, it is quite odd that Obama always seems to use race in his favor) he is black, and, if elected, will make history. For those reasons we should vote for him, right? WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!

There is far too much information, known and unknown, to the public to entrust this man with the future of this great nation. Below are just a few reasons Barack does note need to be in the Oval Office.

1) There is too much of a lack of patriotism in the Obama Crew. I am not saying the family hates America. However, they have given us more than enough reasons to question their devotion to this country. Let us not forget Michelle Obama's infamous quote: "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country." That's gonna haunt them!!!

2) THE MAN CANNOT MAKE UP HIS MIND!!! I wish people would quit calling Barack a flip-flopper. "Both Ways Barack" suits him much better. First, The Surge is Not Working!!! was Barack's battlecry. But wait, what was that... Obama now not only agrees that the surge was successful but also has abandoned his plan for immediate withdrawal.

Speaking of mind-changing, Barack is a cheater no matter how you look at it. Earlier in this election, Obama created a pact with McCain to only accept public financing. In laymen's terms, Barack and McCain would only accept funds from all there voters and would both ultimately end up with a little less revenue. Never ceasing to amaze though, Barack cunningly decides midway through the election to switch to private funding. So now, instead of being funded by the voters of America, Obama sucks in unlimited amounts of cash from Special Interest low-lifes. Here's a little something for you to chew on, here are funding figures for both of the candidates: "raised $265 million and has $46 million on hand; McCain has raised $96 million and has $26 million on hand". Surprised? I'm not, that's just Obama for ya. McCain, I know you are suffering for your honesty, but thank you very much.

3) To touch back on patriotism, Obama has committed too many acts of obvious ignorance. The founding fathers of the United States credited God for their successes in creating what would become the most successful and free country in the world. All Americans should accept that, regardless of their religion. Obama, who became a United States Senator, decided not to respect our Founding Fathers and swore his oath on the Koran. This should outrage all who call America home!!! Barack Obama blatently spat on the shoes of all those who even gave him the freedom to hold office in the first place!!! There is nothing wrong with believing in the Koran instead of the Bible. However, Barack should have sworn in on the Bible out of mere respect to his country and those who voted for him.

The same goes for his stance on the Pledge of Allegiance. The truth is that Obama only recites this Pledge when he feels fit (just like so many other things). In defense, his spoksman (Bill Burton) stated that as far as reciting the Pledge goes, "sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't." I believe this hurts Obama much more than it helps him. By sacrificing their lives, millions of people have given Americans many freedoms. And I believe Americans should recite the Pledge out of respect. However, there is nothing anyone can do if one neglects such respect. Once again I must say however. When a person wishes to take such a prestiguos postion and President of the United States, he should not only respect those that gave him as many rights and america offers, but also he should respect those who he wishes to represent in office.

There are MANY more reasons why Barack Obama should not be our President. However, to name them all would take an eternity. Obviously, neither of the candidates is perfect, but I cannot bring myself to support anyone who has such open disrespect and an alarming lack of patriotism for the country he wishes to lead.

***Wanna add to this list or argue my statements? Simply leave a comment!!! I want to hear from you!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

We Can't Leave Iraq, Not Yet.

The age old saying "history always repeats itself" is one of the most useful sayings of all times, especially when it comes to decision making. It seems that ever since the first soldier was sent to Iraq (in 2001) Democrats have wanted us to get out of the war. However, it is imperative that we stay in Iraq until the job is completely finished. In order to enforce this point, lets go back to the year 1917, shall we?

The Lusitania, an non-military vessel, was sunk by German U-boats off America's eastern coast. As a result 1195 people died, among those 128 were American. So, in response to this act of merciless brutality, America becomes invested in the Great War (wouldn't be called WWI till after WWII). Throughout the war America and its allies push back the evil forces of Germany and the Ottoman Empire. So, they won the war, but not before accumulating about 320,518 casualties (that's America only). As a result of the war, Germany had been reduced to little more than piles of rocks and rubble. So America had a big decision to make: help Germany stabilize and create a new democracy, or leave Germany in its own misery because they had started the war. Sadly, we chose the latter.

Now, lets move ahead a couple decades, into the 30s. Europe had been going through a depression similar to that of America's for a while now. Needless to say, Germany had a very hard time rebuilding itself and was getting so dark and desperate that it would probably follow anyone that seemed to point the way to light. This anyone just happened to be the one and only Adolf Hitler. Long story short, Hitler helps the people of Germany rebuild while at the same time brainwashing and using them to fulfill his sick and twisted goals. He started WWII and by the time Germany and the Axis Powers were finally defeated America could calculate a grand total of 1,077,245 casualties. That is more than 3 times as many casualties as WWI!!!! And that all might have been avoided if America had just stayed in Germany just a bit longer. If America had helped stabilize Germany just a bit more.

Lesson Learned:
In times of depression and great need, humans will latch on to what ever promises a brighter future. In this case, Adolf Hitler gained the support of his country by making promises of a brighter future. Adolf Hitler helped rebuild Germany. Hitler helped Germany reach a strength stronger than that of pre-WWI Germany.

Who is to say that if we leave Iraq now, if we leave Iraq in such a vulnerable state that history will not repeat itself? As of January 25, 2008 and since 2001, America has sustained 72,000 casualties in the war on terror. But if a Hitler-like situation arises and history's math repeats itself making us get involved with another war, we are looking at about another 216,000 casualties. Obviously that is no where near the total that WWII reached. However, I believe that it is more than any American wants to lose.

We must stay in Iraq until the job is finished!!! Do not turn a blind eye to history.

21 Things You Can't Say About Obama

This is just a funny page that I came across when searching the web. You will see only part of the list. To see the whole list, click on the link below.

With Obama we started out, we couldn't talk about his big ears 'cause that made him nervous, and when he gets nervous he can't read the teleprompter.

We've gone from that to this: Not only can we not mention his ears...

We can't talk about his mother.

We can't talk about his father.

We can't talk about his grandmother unless he does, and brings her up as a "typical white person."

We can't talk about his wife,
(If by "my wife" he means the shrill, dumb, trash-talking, bitter American hating female race hustler he might live with on his days off.)

We can't talk about his preacher (If by "my preacher" he means that blustering, conniving, ranting, spuming America-hating American-made millionaire that's spent decades ripping off the poor and credulous people of his parish.)

Although some of them may be a bit extreme, the list kind of captures how Obama wants everything to be exactly how he wants it.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Drill or not to Drill

For a long time now America has been plagued with the high price of fuel and energy resources. Fueling our vehicles is getting near $4.00 a gallon and shows no sign of decreasing anytime soon. Americans have decided to go with the more educated and "green" route, by searching for alternative sources of energy. However, I believe that our time to stop, ponder, and decide which path we should take has run out. Right now, as Newt Gingrich put it, we need a quick fix and we "need relief now" (Now While no call we make this late in the game will be the perfect play, waiting to find a solution that is could be devastating. Waiting any longer would force us to be even more dependent on foreign countries and corrupt governments for sources of energy (if it is even possible to become any more dependent than we currently are).

The main solution that America's elected officials have been debating, more this decade than ever before, is starting a development in ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Reserve). This would help us by allowing our country to rely more on ourselves for oil and other sources of energy; proving to Saudi Arabia that if they keep driving up their prices, we can get oil somewhere else. However, there are many other, excellent reasons for drilling in ANWR:

First of all, if you are listening to people who argue that the Alaskans do not want people to start a development up there, they are false. At least 75% of Alaskans support a development of the Coastal Plain in ANWR.

Another argument that many cling to is the fact that ANWR is exactly as its name dictates -- a wildlife reserve. All of America's environmentalists and Al Gore's green folk don't want to hurt any of the animals or other part of the environment in ANWR. Here are numbers and statistics as far as hurting ANWR go:
ANWR consists of about 19 million acres. The amount that we need for development in ANWR is only 1.5 million acres. If oil or other natural resources are found (and come on people, they will be) only 2000 of that original 1.5 million acres will be needed. After doing all of the computing, the most amount of ANWR that will be affected is less than a measly .5%. And if you still doubt that there is any oil in ANWR, the Dept. of the Interior believes there to be between 9 to 16 million barrels of oil in the Coastal Plain on ANWR. That would make ANWR second only to the Prudhoe Bay oil discovery (about 25 million barrels were found) in America.

Lastly, developing ANWR would result in a financial boost for EVERYONE. If development in ANWR commences, and estimated 250,000 to 735,000 jobs will be available. Our economy will undoubtedly have its never-ceasing thirst for revenue quenched, as America would have to rely on foreign countries for oil. Even better, fuel prices would be greatly affected of the developing of ANWR. United States Representative Michele Bachmann believes that if we were able to begin the development of ANWR that gas prices could be cut in half. I mean, what's wrong with a little extra cash in your pocket?

Alternative sources of energy are an excellent idea: they are clean, very green, and eco-friendly. However, times are desperate and money is running short. We need to act right now by taking advantage of all the resources possible, and that means we NEED to drill in ANWR. To support Newt Gingrich's "Drill here. Drill Now. Pay Less" plan for lower gas prices in the U.S., sign his petition by following the link below. Over 1,400,000 people have already signed!!!

Below are some of the pages and articles I used in the making of this post:

Friday, August 1, 2008

A Response to Peggy Noonan's "Let McCaine Be McCaine"

This is a response to Noonan's "Let McCain Be McCain". The article can be found at or by simply following the link at the end of this post.

Peggy Noonan is exactly correct in everything she wrote here. McCain has a distinct advantage that Obama does not, and he ought to use it like a weapon: “we all know him”. Obama does not have the luxury of having an established record in the government, or even and established record overall. Instead of being able to touch base with the people of America, Obama is constantly on the defensive as he tries to make excuses for his poor choices he has made in the past; both in the government and in life.

Now, do not misconstrue what I am trying to say. McCain cannot, at this point, sit back and catch a few Z’s. However, McCain should just ease up a bit, crack off a few jokes, and let America see the real McCain. The McCaind that we all know is buried underneath all of that pressure as the race continues for the presidency. In this year of 2008, I must believe that the word is not “formal”, but instead normal.

There is only one way to describe the whole Barack situation. Simply put, Barack is no more than a fad, a fashion. People like him for the simple reason that people like him. Everyone wants to try him on for size. I mean who wouldn’t? He’s young, he’s hip, and he is black and therefore trying to make history.

However, it all comes down to one thing: fads go in and out. Fashions are constantly dropped as were bellbottoms and spandex. But when push comes to shove and America needs to choose a president that will lead us to a better tomorrow, we need only remember one thing: it is time to wake up and mature. It is time for America to realize that we need to stick with what is sensible and what works, and not succumb to what sounds good and looks the coolest.

As always i want to hear from you!!! Leave your own strong willed comment and tell me what you think about this article.


A response to Bill Krisol's "Be Afraid. Please."

This is a response to Bill Kristol's "Be Afraid. Please". It was published in the New York Times. To read the article follow the link at the bottom.

When will America wake up? On November 2nd, America will vote for the new President of America. Although it is important that our country continues to have strong alliances, we should not allow people from other countries (most of which whom will not suffer directly if we do not choose the right candidate) to influence us too greatly.

I agree entirely with what Kristol has to say about Obama. America seems to want an “orator in chief” rather than a “commander in chief”. America is allowing Obama to breeze through this election without making him use more than ten of his brain cells (assuming he has more). It seems that all America wants is someone to tell them everything is okay, rather than make everything okay.

“Got Hope?” Obama could not have chosen two more perfect words to sum up his campaign in its entirety. Rather than problem solve, Barack wants America to vote for him in hopes of a new, better America. I will say it because few others will, hope is not a solution to our many problems; hope is a dream! We cannot just hope that if we leave Iraq evil will cease to exist. We cannot just hope that fuel prices will go down without pursuing other sources of oil in our own country. I am sorry, but the time for hoping and wishing as come and gone. America does not need someone who will rely solely on hope to get us through these tough times.

As November 2nd draws nearer the light seems to be fading for not only conservatives but those who want a better future. However, Kristol could not put it better when he said “Life may be full of disappointments. But it’s also full of surprises”.

Please feel free to comment and voice your feelings. Do you agree with me? Why or why not?


Thursday, July 24, 2008

A response to Maureen Dowd's "No Ice Cream, Senator?"

An article titled "No Ice Cream, Senator?" was published July 13 of this year. Who wrote it? None other than syndicated Maureen Dowd. In hopes of stirring up some trouble I responded to it like this: (you can read the actual article by following the link at the bottom)

Although I am not yet legally able to vote, I consider myself to be very conservative. Even though I do not agree with most of Maureen Dowd’s ideas and political opinions, I think she hit the nail on the head with this one. I am glad that more and more people are seeing about Obama. He constantly wants to have his cake and eat it too.

As Maureen Dowd believes that Obama had gone “one ‘re’ too far”, I believe that Obama’s whole decision making process is filled with these “re’s”. It is what I like to call the RE-process. Say the topic at hand is partaking in an interview with Access Hollywood.

In this case, Obama decides to go and participate in the interview with his family. Then, he decides he did not like the path he took (or he realized he made a bad decision). He now rethinks his decision and says that he regrets taking part in the interview, because he does not want to exploit his children. How can people want someone with these decision making skills to be their leader?

This time, the decision that he regrets was very small in scale to the decisions he will be making as a president. What will it be next time? I shudder to think. In summation, I Matt Lauer (as quoted in Maureen Dowd’s article) puts it best when he says that Obama constantly wants “to have it both ways”. Whether this is because Barack is completely inept at making a good decision that he is able to agree with, or it is simply because Barack wants to evade the consequences of making a bad decision is anyone’s guess.

So what do I think we should do? I think we should all think long and hard about who we should vote for on November 2nd. That way, we will not regret who we put in office come January 20th.

So what do you think about what I wrote? Was I wrong in saying what I did? Go ahead, comment and respond!!!


Have Your Voice Heard!!!

Do you love to debate about things, or just want to have your opinion heard? Then comment on my posts. There is nothing I like more than a bloodthirsty, full throttle debate. And believe me, I will debate about anything and everything. Politics (love to debate), morals (love to debate), social issues, ANYTHING. I want a fight!!!

Send me topics by emailing me at or by commenting in my latest blog entry.

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