Friday, August 1, 2008

A response to Bill Krisol's "Be Afraid. Please."

This is a response to Bill Kristol's "Be Afraid. Please". It was published in the New York Times. To read the article follow the link at the bottom.

When will America wake up? On November 2nd, America will vote for the new President of America. Although it is important that our country continues to have strong alliances, we should not allow people from other countries (most of which whom will not suffer directly if we do not choose the right candidate) to influence us too greatly.

I agree entirely with what Kristol has to say about Obama. America seems to want an “orator in chief” rather than a “commander in chief”. America is allowing Obama to breeze through this election without making him use more than ten of his brain cells (assuming he has more). It seems that all America wants is someone to tell them everything is okay, rather than make everything okay.

“Got Hope?” Obama could not have chosen two more perfect words to sum up his campaign in its entirety. Rather than problem solve, Barack wants America to vote for him in hopes of a new, better America. I will say it because few others will, hope is not a solution to our many problems; hope is a dream! We cannot just hope that if we leave Iraq evil will cease to exist. We cannot just hope that fuel prices will go down without pursuing other sources of oil in our own country. I am sorry, but the time for hoping and wishing as come and gone. America does not need someone who will rely solely on hope to get us through these tough times.

As November 2nd draws nearer the light seems to be fading for not only conservatives but those who want a better future. However, Kristol could not put it better when he said “Life may be full of disappointments. But it’s also full of surprises”.

Please feel free to comment and voice your feelings. Do you agree with me? Why or why not?


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