Friday, August 29, 2008

The Perfect Pick for VP

As many may know, Senator McCain (and hopefully President to-be) has chosen Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate - a perfect choice in my opinion!!!

I don't think McCain could have chosen a more conservative person. Not only does she share the beliefs of the average conservative, but she also is able to relate to almost all Americans.

A huge issue during this year's Presidential Race has been elitism. America does not feel comfortable voting for rich people that cannot relate to the average American family.

With the number of children per household (as of Jan. 1, 2008) averaging about 2.2, many Americans feel right at home with Sarah Palin, a regular hockey mom and a mother of 5, one of which joined the Army on September 11, of 2007.

Sarah Palin also partakes in many traditional American pastimes. Sarah regularly hunts and fishes with her children. She is also a lifetime member of the NRA (which republicans should love).

As far as political views go, Sarah is pretty much conservative in everything she does. She is Pro-life, which will hit home with Republicans and Democrats alike.
Since taking office, Sarah Palin has been all for drilling in ANWR (check out earlier post for more info on ANWR).
Although Sarah has gay friends, she has been outwardly against gay marraige.

Sarah has also shown compassion for the American working man. On June 6, 2007, Matanuska Maid Dairy, a state-owned and at the time unprofitable dairy business, was in danger of being closed by the Alaska Creamery Board. However, Palin refused to close the business due to the massive impact it would have on farmers.

There are many who dispute Senator McCain's choice of Sarah Palin for a running mate. They say she is too inexperienced. What many Democrats don't realize is that the McCain/Palin duo will be able to bring do something to the White House that the Obama/Biden party will not. Barack and Biden will never be able to connect with America the way John and Sarah will. They are just too rich and ignorant to what goes on in the social classes below them.

It is true that both Obama and Palin have been labeled as too inexperienced. However, all the Obama supporters are forgetting something - Sarah Palin isn't running for President.

What does it say when a running mate can bring more to the table the he who is actually running for President (Obama and Biden)???


Anonymous said... many houses does Senator McCain have? Oh silly me, I guess I'm being too rich and ignorant to remember.

Maybe we should ask McCain? :)

I love how conservatives are always trying to paint Obama as a rich elitist far removed from the working man. Obama has worked his way to the top ENTIRELY. Meanwhile, McCain is married to the heiress to one of the largest Anheuser-Busch distributors in the nation and owns...8 HOUSES. Obama is an author and constitutional lawyer.

Who's the Elitist??

Anonymous said...

I am not ridiculing Barack for being wealthy and nor should anyone else. However, the same goes for McCain... why scorn him for being successful?

Both Barack Obama and John McCain both became wealthy and in my mind have achieved the American dream, so why should McCain be punished for what most of America only wish they could accomplish?

The point I was enforcing in this post was that Obama and Biden, both of which have been quite economically successful, would have an extremely hard time connecting to the average, struggling American family that is living paycheck-to-paycheck.

John McCain would have had the same problem had chosen someone like Romney. Romney would be an astute leader but he would also have had trouble.

That is why I believe Sarah Palin was such an excellent choice. Sarah Palin will be able to help John McCain connect to those voters in a way that Biden could not have helped Obama (same goes for Romney).

Like it or not and from a neutral (not republican or democrat) standpoint, I believe Palin will give the McCain administration an extreme advantage and will play a MONUMENTAL role in the upcoming election.

Anonymous said...

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